A brief look into Paul's life ........
Paul was a 20-year-old Pre-med student who was killed in a fatal car accident on June 23, 2000. His life exemplified Christ's love. The following is a brief introduction to what Paul was all about.
Four months prior to his departure, Paul wrote in his autobiography for an essay for a University Medical School. Here is a brief look into that essay:
"Thank you, God, for giving me another day to live. With this prayer I begin each day, as I go through life's ebbs and flows, as a 2nd year Pre-Med student, a Sunday school teacher, a brother, and a son.
Life is truly a gift in my eyes, and I have a deeper appreciation of it than some. When I was born, a medical physician, after doing some tests on me, told my parents that I would grow up to be mentally challenged. Some might say that the doctor made a mistake. However, I claim that I am a living miracle.